The Sealed Book from the Mormon Plates

The Sealed Book of Moses




31 It will then be given, according to the things written by the prophets that here on this earth and beyond the great waters will live, but that they will never perceive the hidden truth behind the previous writings. Coming to know, that the Gifts derived from the Fruits of the Holy Spirit are in fact pure feelings coming from a sanctified heart, in whose Greatest Gift, love, hides the fullness of God's power.


32 This Gift to be used by grace, temporarily allowed to one who attains divine recognition by means of supplication and prayer, or by means of an authorized representative of the Son of the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh, by whose priestly office he allows him to use that greater feeling, or even of other derivatives of it, that if allows to flow, and that frees; that awakens; that is reborn; that renews and, finally, that sculpts the human character, and dignifies him according to the divine personality, in a higher being, coated of charity and compassion.


33 I'm not talking about pity, because to pity someone, is a petty feeling derived from the evil one. But above all, I am talking about empathy, when we want others to have the greater good that we have or want to have.


34 Therefore, guard your heart from the feelings derived from worldly passions and desires, for all these come from the influence of evil. Ensure that your soul is not affected by feelings of fear and doubt, for these are contrary to the courage to which
we have been clothed in the spirit even before the foundation of the world and the faith we should have in connection with God the Father, and that we can know in the fullness of our being that the solution of all adversities that stand in the way against our existence here on this earth rests, not on our human capacity and fallen, but in God, who can do everything, and for whom there is no impossibility.


35 For how much a sincere prayer, made with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, is enough to move the hand of Him who commands the whole universe.


36 Nevertheless, many in this generation will have the desire to practice these truths when they read the words of this book, but they will be impregnated with the evil feelings in their way of feeling, which from the beginning has been taught by the parents to inhibit their gifts, without any of them realizing that it is infecting the feelings of their offspring with the gifts coming from the Mahan Order.


37 Which will make it almost impossible to experience in their fullness the purity of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their hearts, as far as this generation is concerned - for they will, on occasion, return to a petty feeling that is part of their personality, of their traditions, of their customs, and of their prejudices, for how much, one tries to experience the good feelings described here, however little understood by this generation.


38 Therefore, even though they fully understand these words of mine in relation to the gifts of the Spirit; nevertheless, it will be a constant struggle to guard against the influence of the evil one, and with that, not be overwhelmed by feelings of fear, anger, envy, pride, greed and other derivatives of the iniquity.


39 Only by having purity of heart can feelings of holiness be attained, for this is to be holy, to be pure before God. And only with a pure heart and united in the sentiments derived from the name of the Most High; taking upon himself the name of His Only Begotten Son, is that the people will become Zion in the last days, just as Enoch exalted the feelings of his people before the Flood swept the earth and they were caught up in their days.


40 So this book will not suddenly change the generation of those who will obtain it firsthand, but before rather it will be preached to all nations upon instruction from this one, a Moses like me, and after this generation, their children and the children of their children will be full of holiness, and the gifts derived from the Holy Spirit will be natural in their way of feeling; inhibiting the power and influence of the enemy wherever they preach this good news of the Kingdom.


41 Thereafter, Zion will coexist among the children of men, beginning in the hearts of the people of the church of the Lamb of God in the last days, which will be taken out of obscurity and darkness, when then the words of this book are given to read for those who believe, for they will be able to build their structures before abandoned by pride and other sentiments derived from the evil one who sat among the priests of the Most High in the fullness of times.


42 And after the church of the Lamb is again structured, having as a foundation the pillars of protection of the truth, as stipulated in the everlasting and unchanging gospel of the Father, from the beginning to the end of all times1, behold, the words of this book shall be preached to all nations, for the benefit of the children of Adam to those who believe in his words and are baptized in the name of the Only Begotten of the Father. (1) RLDS Genesis 6:7 Inspired Version of JS / LDS Moses 6:7