The Sealed Book from the Mormon Plates

The Sealed Book of Moses




21 This, therefore, is briefly the story of Noah, because the rest was written by me, Moses, in another record, so that people will know at the time when this book sealed is revealed, that God has indeed appointed a great flood to come upon all the earth and its confines, in order to destroy the structures formerly left behind by the ancient kings from the loins of Azaziel and his confederated watchmen who came of the skies and subdued the sons of men to build cities and kingdoms without the consent of God, because they reigned over men in such a length of time that it becomes improper to mention, although some of its foundations, those which were erected above on the top of the mountains, were not all completely destroyed by the waters of the flood, as it was shown to me in a vision, when I, Moses, saw in one instant all things concerning this world.


22 Therefore, I begin again to tell the history of the world of mankind in a summarized way, so that all the children of men understand in their hearts and transmit poetically the history of their origins, from generation to generation for their descendants. For I
alone, Moses, will know the truth of all things concerning the dealings of God, from beginning to end, as it has been shown unto me, but they shall not come to the knowledge of men, until they are ready to understand them; of some generations, after the knowledge of this book is revealed to those who believe, whose children will be taught rightly about its precepts.


23 I, Moses, speak this way, because in truth, yea, in the fullest truth that this fact can be told, I say to them, when in the fulness of times comes the time to be opened the knowledge of this book to men in the flesh, that I, Moses write and then I will seal, for a wise purpose in the future; but behold the men of this generation will not be fully ready to understand the truths here exposed, except to those who seek the mysteries of God in their hearts.


24 There shall be among them a Moses like unto me, who shall bring forth the words of this book, and of others which shall be jointly sealed to this, to complement the essence of the truth which hath been hidden in the midst of the scriptures of prophets of God which formerly lived on this earth, and to this Moses, who shall read the words of this book, he shall be given understanding of all things concerning knowledge hidden in these words which were left unto me by God.


25 And he will be the instructor of those who will lay the foundations of a new society among the children of men, by whose fruits of the Spirit of God, the heavenly gifts that subsist in their hearts, may by their guidance be fully developed among the people of the Lord in the last days, just as I, Moses, had the opportunity to work such gifts on the children of Israel when they left Egypt, and after having used in their fulness the power from these gifts, either by the grace of God which was poured out abundantly upon those who did not possess the holy priesthood of the Only Begotten Son, but for their faith in His name, as regards men and women who were baptized under the cloud, meaning that they were in a condition covenanted with Jehovah, just as their manifestations also took place among the Priests of their sacred Order, the likeness of the Only Begotten of the Father.


26 To these I, Moses, clearly taught them in the wilderness and diligently sought to sanctify the nation of Israel in their totality, purifying their hearts so that their feelings would be the purest possible, in order to take upon themselves the name of God and to the Grace and power of the priesthood among their descendants and thus be able to get and to live in its fullness the law of consecration for the purpose of becoming equal to the people of Enoch, in one a perfect united order.


27 For behold, verily I say unto you, that the gifts of God are but the pure sentiments derived from His name in their hearts, and for being so simple to the class of the sages of Israel, such gifts did not subsist for long in their midst, for how much they were not able to bear His presence in their feelings, but as soon as they hardened their hearts because of the precepts which they had in regard to their traditions, that it was not possible to pass on this knowledge to their children and to these future generations, but only one among so many men of the house of Israel was able to understand, yea, Joshua.


28 Not even my children were able to comprehend the fullness of these things, due to the precepts passed to them by my father-in-law Jethro. Because the Lord has demanded of me, Moses, that after I have written these words, that I may be taken out of this people, Israel, and from among them, even the priesthood of His Son be taken away, lest they belittle this greater gift; the love coming from the higher name of God and thus they come to desecrate its meaning. Therefore it must remain hidden from the world until this book is revealed in the fullness of times, but not all will understand except those who believe.


29 Therefore, I, Moses, tell you again this truth, that the children of men who shall receive these things, when in the fullness of time comes, that they will not yet be fully ready to comprehend in its fullness the truths here exposed, except to those who seek to understand the mysteries of God.


30 This will naturally occur, not because of excessive attachment to their traditions, because the things here written by me, Moses, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, will be as clear and precious as the purest and crystalline water to drink in a thirsty desert; a clear source in regard to everything else that will already be contaminated and polluted by the precepts of men.