The Sealed Book from the Mormon Plates

The Sealed Book of Moses




11 And in those days there were giants on earth1, the descendants of the watcher angels who forsook their natural state to lie with the daughters of men2. These, for fear of the words of Noah, which proclaimed destruction upon all them and their offspring, sought Noah to take his life; but the Lord was with Noah and the priesthood power of the Son of God was active in him. And the Lord commanded
Noah according to his own command, and commanded that he should declare his gospel to the sons of men, that they should forsake the watchers, and turn away from serving their seed, who were the mighty men of the land; even as it was declared also in the days of Enoch.

(1) RLDS Genesis 8:6 - Inspired Version of JS / LDS Moses 8:18| (2) Daniel 4:17, 23; Jude 1:6


12 And it came to pass that Noah cried unto the children of men that they should repent, but they would not hearken unto his words; and also to the Watchers who had transmuted in the likeness of the sons of men, but when they had heard him, they came before him, saying: Behold, we are the children of God1; Have we not taken for ourselves the daughters of men? Are we not eating and drinking and marrying mortal women, just as the sons of Adam do? — And our wives give us children, and they are mighty men like unto your ancestors, yea, the men of old that were among the seed of Adam, as well as Cain and Lamech, who have gained renown among the children of men.

1 Genesis 8: 9 Inspired Version of JS


13 So why should we listen to your cry to leave this Earth and report to God again? — Behold, nothing shall come to us from God, we are His Watchers, it is from us that it is required accountability from this earth, and we will not heed the words of a mere mortal, whose grandfather did not ascend into heaven with the abode of Enoch. And so, out of contempt for Noah and his grandfather Methuselah for they not having gone with the Zion of Enoch, they did not listen to his words, but said that God took Enoch and forsook the remnant of the sons of men to perish in the land.


14 And it came to pass that Noah continued his preaching unto the people of the land, saying: Hearken you, children of Adam, yea, hearken unto my words: believe in what I am proclaiming and repent of your sins and be baptized in the name of the Only Begotten Son of God, as our fathers did before us; and ye shall receive the Holy Spirit1, that all things may be made manifest unto you; and if you do not, the floods will come upon you. However, they did not listen to his preaching and Noah felt regret and pain in his heart because the Lord had formed man on earth for the purpose of developing spiritually; and it distressed him, because the Lord had said to him that He will make the man which he created on the face of the earth disappear, both man and animals and things that crawl and birds of the air.

(1) RLDS Genesis 6:53; 67-69 - Inspired Version JS / LDS Moses 6:52; 64-66


15 Noah, for his part, found grace in the sight of the Lord; for he was a just and perfect man in his generation, as was Enoch; and he walked with God, and also his three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.


16 And, behold, God looked upon the earth and it was corrupted before his sight, and God said to Noah, arrived the end of all flesh has for me, for the earth is full of violence, and the intentions of this human species in its sentiments are only evil all the time, and, behold, I will make all this species, contaminated by the precepts of the order of Mahan and corrupted by watchers angels that abandoned their original position1 to lie down with the daughters of men, and together with them I will make the ancient cities and their structures disappear once and for all, which were erected by the wisdom of these wicked men, who in ancient times were angels appointed to ride the circuit of heaven, and in the clouds concealed their flaming chariots2, for the purpose of observing the children of Adam and to present to Me, the Lord, a report of his proceeding with the passing of the ages; but they did not retain their heavenly nature, and were transmuted into the likeness of the children of men as they pleased, for the purpose of bearing offspring which were hybrid to them and distinct from the sons of Adam, surpassing men in size and strength, but dependent on earthly man to elaborate and build according to the appointed designs of their heavenly progenitors, and therefore, the Watchful Angels are now venerated as gods to men on earth as being those who came from the heavens, for the purpose of using the sons of Adam to erect large cities in the service of their offspring.

(1) Jude 1: 6 | (2) Job 22: 14


17 For, as I have sworn by myself, I will sever the bond with those wicked men who did not retain their celestial origin, before the time predetermined by me, the Lord, so that they may be judged and condemned by Gabriel the upper sentinel of the order of the star D’alva, which commands the seraphs with their chariots of fire and the vigilantes who introduce themselves and mingle among men on earth to ascertain the facts between them, often coexisting in its environment1, in order to make a report of the kingdom of mankind and to present from time to time in front of the great council of the heavens2.

(1) Book of Tobit 5:1-20 |2 Hebrews 12: 22-24


18 For how much I, the Lord, will pour out upon all these cities, erected in the likeness of the things that are in the abode of the heavens, a flood to hide under the mire, all their foundations1, that mankind may never discover the systems of their societies elaborated by the wisdom of some watchmen who did not obey the original command from Me, the Lord2.

(1) Job 22: 16 | (2) Jude 6


19 For, behold, after the flood I, the Lord, will renew all things and Noah and his descendants will build a new society upon old structures, and I will cause them to forget these things hidden under their feet. Then when the sons of men multiply again on the face of the earth, I will build them up in the land which I have appointed them, and they shall be no more removed from the land which I have given them. And I will certainly repair the hearts of the children of Adam, and I will erect in the final part of all time a holy people upon the world of mankind, as I have always desired.


20 And then the flood came and swept them all except Noah and his family by whose hand God preserved a righteous offspring of the children of Adam to recommence everything anew, and through him preserved all the animals that the Lord selected.