The Sealed Book from the Mormon Plates

The Sealed Book of Moses



Methuselah remains on earth to fulfill God's purposes in relation to Enoch's prophecy concerning Noah. Noah preaches repentance to the people but his admonition is ignored. Evil prevails and God decrees destruction of that wicked generation by means of a flood.


1 And all the days of Enoch were four hundred and thirty years. And it came to pass that Methuselah, the son of Enoch, was not taken with Zion, that the covenants which the Lord made with Enoch might be fulfilled in regard to the Priesthood of the Only Begotten in relation to the promised descendant; because he truly made a covenant with Enoch that from the fruit of Noah's loins would come the chosen Seed, promised from the days of Adam.


2 And it came to pass that Methuselah prophesied that out of his loins there were to be born all the kingdoms of the earth through his seed, and, behold, Methuselah lived a hundred and eighty and seven years; and begat Lamech; and Methuselah lived
seven hundred and eighty-two years after he begat Lamech, and begat sons and daughters; and all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred and sixty-nine years; and he died.


3 And Lamech lived a hundred and eighty-two years, and begat a son, and named him Noah in reason of the name that was said by Enoch, and when he saw the newborn child, he perceived that his eyes were different, and he was afraid that Noah would be the son of a watcher1, but the Spirit of the Lord rested on Lamech, comforting his heart by making him know that he was not a descendant of the watchers, but it was the beginning of a new human progeny.

(1) Daniel 4:17, 23


4 Moved, then, by the Holy Spirit, Lamech prophesied, saying, He will comfort us of our toil and in the work of our hands, because of the land which the Lord has cursed. After that Lamech lived five hundred and ninety-five years, and begat sons and daughters; and the days of Lamech were seven hundred seventy and seven years and he died.


5 Noah was four hundred and fifty years old and fathered Japheth; and forty and two years after he begat Shem; and when he was five hundred years old, he begat Ham. For Noah and his sons hearkened unto the LORD, and obeyed his voice; and were called children of God.


6 And God saw that the iniquity of men had become great on the earth; and that all men were arrogant in the thoughts of their heart, being only evil continually. And the Lord said to Noah, Behold, my wrath is kindled against the sons of men, because they do not hearken to my voice; for these wicked men began to multiply on the face of all the earth, and had daughters, and the watchmen who forsook their obedience to me, the Lord, saw that these daughters were beautiful and were transmuted into the likeness of the sons of men, taking them to the wife according to their choices.

(1) Jude 1:6 | (2) RLDS Genesis 8:9 - Inspired Vesion JS / LDS Moses 8:21


7 And it came to pass that Noah prophesied and taught the things of God, as it was in the beginning, saying that for a long time since the very beginning of man's existence, the children of Adam have lived for many years, even as the times of eternity are numbered unto God — because one day within Eternity is like a thousand years in the kingdom of mankind.


8 Like this, given that God said that if Adam ate the forbidden fruit he would be sentenced to perish on the same day, Adam lived as long as nine hundred and thirty years of age, ending his earthly existence before the end of one day in the time of the Eternity. Thus, all the descendants of Adam inherited this effect on their lives, dying near the thousand year period.


9 However, the Lord said to Noah, My Spirit will not remain in man forever, for he will know that all flesh will die; yet his days shall not be more prolonged in the time period of the heavenly dwelling, but they will be shortened, starting from the flood that I am bringing upon the earth, and if any of the children of Adam give of me greater pleasure, so I'll make him live longer; and as the dispensations pass, until the coming of my descendant, I will shorten them even more, making them full between seventy and eighty years of age, and some for their robustness, I will permit reach up until one hundred and twenty years old.


10 And, if men will not repent of their sins and will not hearken to the preaching of Noah, then will I send floods upon them, and will I blot out all this iniquity and their cities from the face of the earth, and will create a new lineage of men of the loins of Noah and his seed.