The Sealed Book from the Mormon Plates

The Sealed Book of Moses





61 And the Lord said to Enoch: Then you will come with all your city and find them there, for your Zion will descend from heaven in this place, and will join you the hundred and forty-four thousand high priests whom I the Lord have ordained according to my holy order, even before the foundation of the world — Priests these, whom God ordained according to the order of his son, and appointed them to be born on earth for the purpose of teaching the covenant people to wait for the promised descendant. Being these, called and ordained to the high priesthood from the foundation of the world, according to the will of God because of the faith they exercised in the plan of redemption from the beginning, when all spirits were in the same position in the spiritual world, before coming to the world, however, these were separated by unconditionally exercising faith in the plan of atonement proposed by the only-begotten Son of the Father. Being therefore, in this way, from the days of Adam until the end of all times, these are those who are born high priests of the holy order of the Son of God in the world of humanity and are ordained by angels1 to this office, by which they can name other men to the high priesthood of the holy order of the Only Begotten Son of the Father, to teach and administer the commandments of God to the children of men2.

(1) RLDS - Questions and answers about Book of Revelation / LDS D&C 77:11 | (2) RLDS Alma 9:69 / LDS Alma 13:6


62 Therefore, those who are born high priests among men on earth are seers chosen and ordained by God in the spirit world1, and are sent when the gospel and its doctrines change, and it is necessary to restore the commandments of God and his church again between the literal descendants of the promise in order to restore the keys of his presidency to their proper place in God's plan in accordance with the eternal course2.

(1) RLDS Alma 9:62-63 / LDS Alma 13:1 | (2) RLDS D&C 2:1a-2a / LDS D&C 3:1-3


63 And this is the decree established even before the foundation of the world — Every time the gospel goes into apostasy and the keys of the kingdom are spread and lost, behold, God calls a seer. And no man can be the seer, unless he be ordained by God through angels, and become the greatest of all1, for there can be no greater called among the children of men2, because the keys are again brought to earth for the purpose of being redistributed to those who will be ordained by his hands to the office of high priests, so to help in matters pertaining to the administration of the church of God, distributing the corresponding keys to all those who hold office of oversight between the covenant people in their respective functions, and who shall be called so that all things pertaining to the kingdom of God occur as organized.

(1) RLDS D&C 50:6c / LDS D&C 50:26 | (2) RLDS Mosiah 5:73-74, 76-77 / LDS Mosiah 8:13, 15-16


64 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the chosen seed shall be waiting for you, my son Enoch, in the New Jerusalem, and with him the hundred and forty-four thousand high priests of the holy order of the Son of God, and the people will receive them in their midst and we will embrace; and I will dwell there among the sons of men, fellow citizens of Zion, and for the space of a thousand years the earth shall rest under the rule of my kingdom1.

(1) Revelation 14:1; RLDS D&C 28:2g / LDS D&C 29:11


65 And it came to pass that Enoch saw the day of the coming of the Son of Man in the last days to dwell on the earth in righteousness for the space of a thousand years1; but before that day he saw great tribulations among the wicked; and he saw the sea that was shaking, and the hearts of men that were faint, and waited with fear for the judgments of the Almighty God, which were to fall upon the wicked. And the Lord showed Enoch all things, even unto the end of the world; and he saw the day of the righteous, the hour of his redemption; and he received a fulness of joy.

(1) RLDS D&C 28:2g / LDS D&C 29:11


66 All the days of Zion in the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. Enoch and all his people walked with God, and he dwelt in the midst of Zion, as he also promised to dwell among his people in the fullness of time for a thousand years. But, behold, in the last days, as in the days of Enoch, that a building of a spiritual temple should take place before the physical temple is erected among the people of Zion, in which the words of this book will help the people, to carve their hearts hardened by the traditions and precepts of men; to polish their holiness, and to mold them to the true knowledge of my gospel in order to fit like a living stone in the spiritual structure of the temple of God, and after having passed on one generation after another generation, there being no more poor people among them and being of one heart, then there is to be erected a physical temple, where I, the Lord, will descend among my people in the last days, just as it was in the days of Enoch.


67 And, behold, the Zion of Enoch no longer existed, for God received it in his own bosom; and from that time it began to say among the men on earth that Zion was taken away, or that Zion fled.