The Sealed Book from the Mormon Plates

The Sealed Book of Moses




41 And the Lord called the place of the temple of mount Zion, and their city of Salem, because they were of one heart and purpose, and lived righteously; and there were no poor among them. And so the people of the church of God began to build under the supervision of Enoch a society of holiness, where their citizens would live in their hearts all the principles of purity required by God and be a holy people. They would therefore be a pure people of heart, and called them a covenant people.


42 And it came to pass that Enoch came into the temple before the LORD, and spake face to face with Him, saying: I know, O LORD, that Zion shall dwell in safety for all the time that thou hast with us; but I fear the people shall degenerate after you go, for surely you will not dwell in a temple made by human hands forever, and since we are not a people of wars, as soon as you leave this place, the wicked will attack us. And the Lord answered and said to Enoch: I have indeed blessed the city of Zion, and they shall surely come against you as soon as I depart of this place.


43 And it came to pass that the Lord showed unto Enoch all the inhabitants of the earth; and he looked and saw that Zion was to be caught up and also saw the remnant people that were the sons of Adam; and were a mixture of the whole seed of Adam, among whom many heard the message preached by Enoch and were present in Zion, having in their hearts the same sentiments derived from the name of God as they had the sons of Adam.


44 And after Enoch saw that Zion was taken up into heaven, Enoch looked, and behold, all the nations of the earth stood before him, and Enoch was lifted up and carried away, into the bosom of the Father and of the Son; and behold, he could see the power of Satan and all his influence upon the whole face of the earth. He saw angels descending from heaven to announce the birth of the promised descendant in the meridian of times; and he saw Him also come down in the fullness of time, and later, when he who shall read the words of this sealed book of Moses, arise among the covenant people in the last days and utter with a loud voice the words of God, saying, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, for the day of the Lord is fast approaching, so hear your voice crying out for repentance for the last time.


45 Behold, Enoch saw these days, and Satan had a great chain in his hand, which covered all the face of the earth with darkness; and he looked up and laughed; and his angels mocked over the angels descending from heaven, bearing witness of the Father and the Son; and the Holy Ghost, when he came down upon many, and they were redeemed, by the powers of heaven in Zion.


46 And it came to pass that the God of heaven looked upon the rest of the people, and wept; and Enoch bore witness to this, saying: How canst thou weep, being holy and everlasting for ever and ever? If it were possible for man to count the particles of the earth, yea, of millions of lands like this, it would not even be the beginning of the number of your creations; and the veil of forgetfulness are still stretched; and yet you are merciful and kind to us, the children of man, coming to take Zion to thy own
bosom; and mercy shines before your face with tears in your eyes through what I see and your compassion will not end, just as there is no end to your reign. How can you cry?


47The Lord said to Enoch: "Look at these your brothers; they are the work of my own hands, and I gave them their knowledge in the day that I created them; and in the Garden of Eden I gave man his agency; and I also gave the commandment that they
should love one another, and that they should choose me their Father; but behold, they have no affection for me, their Creator, and they hate without any reason whatsoever their own kind. How, then, can I, the Lord, show them the kingdoms of other dwellings and the existence of other worlds? Constantly the fire of my indignation is kindled against them; and in my ardent displeasure I will send a flood upon the earth to wash away the filth that man has done against his brother, and to erase forever from the face of the earth his dealings with the children of God and his descendants and the combinations hidden of the order Mahan.


48 Behold, I am the God of Holiness, and I can not tolerate so much filthiness of the flesh before my eyes, where my own angels have entered into a covenant of fornication and adultery with the daughters of men. And although I can extend my arm and hold all my creations; my eyes can not see, among all the works of my hands, as much wickedness as never before existed in between your brethren in all the worlds that I have ever created.


49 But, behold, Satan shall be his father, and the other feelings derived from anguish, which are the fruits of the spirit from the evil one, will be his destiny; which is poured out upon the children of men by their attachment to the sentiments opposed to the true gifts derived from the Holy Spirit of God, and all heaven will weep over them, even all the work of my hands.


50 Therefore, should I not weep, seeing how much they will suffer until they reach the fullness of knowledge that leads them to perfection? — Behold, therefore, I let you know beforehand, that this system which your eyes contemplate will perish in the flood; and behold, I will imprison these disobedient spirits in a prison which I have
prepared for them1, and their cities with their beautiful structures and the corpses of their offspring, I will conceal under the depths of the thickest mud beneath the vast surface layer of earth that covers the ground under his feet2.

(1) Jude 1:6 | (2) Job 22:15-16