The Sealed Book from the Mormon Plates

The Sealed Book of Moses




31 Thus, Aaron presents the goat that is appointed to Jehovah and will make him an burnt offering by the sin of men before God, but the goat appointed for Azazel must be brought alive before Jehovah to make atonement upon him in remembrance of the agreement between them, so that it may be sent into the wilderness for Azazel to remember this agreement.


32 For this reason it was decreed among the priests that "the man who sent the goat to Azazel should wash his clothes and bathe in water before returning to the camp; and only then can he enter among the children of Israel1 ." - This is because this man went to meet an evil angel and must purify himself spiritually and physically before returning to the congregation of the one God. (1) Leviticus 16:26 – King James Version - English


33 But, behold, the giants were obtuse, without much reasoning and, therefore, dependent on their parents. In turn, in order not to allow these men of great structure to become slaves of men by reason of their dementia, it was that the sentinel angels, who had been disobedient in abandoning their position with the Father1 , they began to use earthly men to build cities whose architecture was a representation of heavenly things. (1) Jude 6


34 So the men began to obtain from the watchers1 the proper MOSES 4:31 62 knowledge to mold the iron and to work their mixtures. Thus, they could forge all sorts of devices, from more resistant structures such as weapons and war-ware and carriages to battle. Their wives learned to mix of the herbs and their healing properties, and their young men learned the art of handling the sword and to fight with bow and arrow. (1) Daniel 4: 17, 23


35 And it came to pass that Enoch went forth preaching to the people of the land of Saron; of Enoch the son of Cain; of Oener; of Heni; of Sem; of Haner; and the land of Hananiah, settling in the hills and high places to proclaim with a loud voice, words against the works of all men who were offended because of him. And it came to pass that Enoch called all the people unto repentance, with the exception of the people of Canaan; and when they heard him, no man laid his hands upon him; for fear hath taken hold of all that heard his words; and because many began to say that Enoch walked with God, also began to say, that a seer stood up among the people.


36 And so great was his faith, that no sentiment from the dark side could shake his emotional foundations, so that Enoch led the people of God and taught them this same principle, to guard their hearts from any and all adverse sentiments that fall about them, having an unconditional attachment to those feelings which were derived from the greater gift, the Love, through the sentiments that emanated from the names of God, just as he had shown them, when his enemies went out to battle against him and he uttered the word of the Lord, that is, the word that had sprung from their feelings, and the earth trembled, and the mountains crumbled, and the stones rolled, and the rivers turned MOSES 4:36 63 from their natural courses, the roaring lions roared together in the wilderness; many heard, and trembled.


37 So great was the fear of men that they feared the words spoken by Enoch, for so great was the power of these words that God had given him, through their sentiments and faith, that even the giants, descendants of the sons of God, went away, abandoning their dwellings and the refuge1 that the watchers2 had created for them with the help of the earthly man, hiding in caves and deep valleys. (1) RLDS Genesis 7:18-19 Inspired Version JS / LDS Moses 7:15 | (2) Daniel 4:17, 23


38 And from that time forth, though there have been wars between men; Enoch knew that Jehovah would come to the temple that Enoch had built for the Lord, because he saw angels descending from heaven, bearing testimony of the Father and the Son1 , and that in the fullness of time He will come to dwell with his people, even as He came to dwell with the people of Enoch before He took them2 , for they shall be as in the days of Enoch, a people who live righteously. (1) RLDS Genesis 7:33 Inspired Version of JS / LDS Moses 7:27 | (2) RLDS Genesis 7:20 Inspired Version JS / LDS Moses 7: 16


39 And the fear of the Lord will come upon all nations, for all will see the Lord cross the sky with his entourage of angels and flaming carriages, and as soon as the news will spread throughout every corner, to the farthest reaches of the inhabited earth, that the Lord descended upon his people and entered the thresholds of the temple that will be erected for his name in the last days, in the place that God pre-determined before the oundation of the world, in a Zion that will receive the city of Enoch, whose architecture will design the New Jerusalem.


40 And from that time the Lord blessed the church of Enoch, and called them the people of Zion, because they were all gathered under his laws and commandments, he also blessed the land upon which they had settled, among the mountains, for how much they flourished as a peaceful people, having all the feelings in common.