The Sealed Book from the Mormon Plates

The Sealed Book of Moses




In the days of Enos, "he began to call upon the name of Jehovah". Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, and Jared were preachers of justice. Enoch, still a young man, walks with God and sends a message of judgment against the wicked children of men. Enoch sees the spirits created by God and, as happened to Moses, he also sees innumerable worlds created by God and inhabited. The news of a seer spreads quickly. Enoch establishes the city of Zion, he foresees the coming of the only begotten son and the restoration that will unite his people in a Zion in the last days; and the second coming; and the coming of heavenly Zion. God took them.



1 It happened then, that in the course of the story of Adam and his righteous offspring, after God showed himself to Seth and he came to offer to the Lord, through a higher knowledge than his brethren, an acceptable sacrifice just like the sacrifice of Abel. But more full of clarification of the gospel than any of the sons of Adam had previously understood1.

(1) RLDS Genesis 6:3 - Inspired Version JS / LDS Moses 6:3


2 It happened that, for Seth, a son was born, and he gave the name of Enos, and it was at this time that the children of Adam again began to call upon the name of Jehovah in their hearts, and so it was said that in the days of Enos, they began to call on the name of the Lord1, because it was at this time that these men began to relive the true feelings derived from the name of God in their way of feeling, bringing a rescue of the priesthood powers of the Son of God among brothers who began to share in common all things, including a language which was pure and virtuous, and this same priesthood and posture among the children of men will again be revived in the end times with the people of God in Zion2, which will rise through the words of this book, and will restore to the people in the last days the dialect of a pure and immaculate tongue on the part of those who will invoke the Lord, not by the babbling of the impure human tongue, but by the spiritual dialect, when expressing the divine sentiments in the hearts of those who will ground the citizenship of Zion in themselves, for this is what will truly sustain the foundations of Zion in the last days, a people pure in heart3.

(1) RLDS Genesis 6:4, 5 - Inspired Version JS / LDS Moses 6:4, 5 | (2) RLDS Genesis 6:6-7 - Inspired Version JS / LDS Moses 6:6-7 | (3) Zephaniah 3:9; RLDS D&C 94:5c / LDS D&C 97: 21


3 In turn, some descendants of the sons of Cain, in their own way, also began to verbally invoke the name of the God of Adam. However, they did so in an erroneous and profane manner, only by making use of a pronouncement from the human tongue, and with this they began to make for themselves idols of stones and wood, in order to worship him. Subsequently they applied Jehovah's sub-names to their idols, by which they believed that they were thus, approaching God in worship.


4 And the priests who proclaimed it, had great dominion over the sons of Cain, who were the majority on the face of the earth. On the other hand, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, and Jared, being preachers of justice, spread the gospel wherever they went, establishing congregations everywhere and teaching their followers the power that is the name of God, and were again aware that of the feelings derived from his name were the keys that control the priesthood power of the Only Begotten Son among men in the flesh, thereby nullifying the influence and power of Satan wherever they preached.


5 This, in turn, infuriated Satan in his heart, causing him to bring wars and bloodshed, where brother killed brother, and by means of secret combinations gave power to the emissaries of the order Mahan so that they prevented the other children of men to hear the message propagated by the righteous children of Adam, that, everywhere of inhabited earth, the good news of the everlasting gospel was being preached, which began to exist in the days when God left the holy priesthood of His Son upon Adam and his descendants so that all would turn to God again.


6 It was then, between that time period, in which men began to call upon the name of the Lord; and that the Lord blessed them, which Seth begat Enos; and taught his son Enos the ways of God. And in those days Satan exercised great dominion among men and was infuriated in his heart; and from then on came wars and bloodshed; and seeking power, the man's hand rose up against his own brother to provoke him to death because of secret works, and for this reason Enos and the rest of the people of God came out of the land called Sulon and inhabited a promised land to whom he
gave the name of his own son, whom he called Cainan.


7 And Cainan lived according to the commandments of God, up until he begat Mahalaleel. And Mahalaleel begat Jared; And Jared lived according to the teachings of his fathers, and begat Enoch. And Jared taught Enoch to walk uprightly in all the ways of God.


8 And it came to pass that Enoch journeyed on the earth among the people preaching and exhorting them to repentance; and as he traveled, he began to lie down beneath a leafy olive tree on a mountain of a certain elevation in the land of Canaan, which he from henceforth called Mount Zion, for it was in that place that the Spirit of God came upon him, and because it was there that he saw his holy myriads of angels, and from that time he erected a city, having in that place the center of worship of God, where he proposed to build a temple to the Lord, the first one that was built by men on Earth.


9 While he was in a vision, he could see the Lord coming from the heavens in the last days, and with his holy myriads, as the clouds cover the earth, execute his judgment upon all peoples of the world of mankind, and to condemn all the wicked for all the unrighteous deeds that they have done improperly before their eyes and for all the unrighteous things that sinners have done against their fellow men, for thus shall the wicked be in the last days, acting and speaking evil of their neighbor, and blaspheming against the very God who created them1, for the man speaketh the things that are in his heart.

(1) Jude 14, 15


10 The man of God, however, of his good feelings, external good things in uttering his words, while the bad man, of his bad heart, speaks only evil things. Then it was said to Enoch that men will also give account on the Day of Judgment for every worthless statement they make about their neighbor and about God; for by their deeds men will be declared righteous or unjust, and by their words, men will be freed or condemned1.

(1) Mateuw 12:32 - Inspired Version of JS