The Sealed Book from the Mormon Plates

The Sealed Book of Moses




71 It was then that I, the Lord, told him: “Because, Moses, you persist to cry out to me when there is in you the full strength of my priesthood resting in your feelings? — Also, know that you have in your retreat the multitude of the children of Israel, that are one with you, Moses, even as thou art one with me, the Lord.


72 It is up to you, therefore, to awaken this spark in the hearts of this people, which adds power in the unity of feelings, and I, the Lord, am talking about the church collectively, because when the unity coexists among you, then you become one in Me.


73 And yet I tell you: Your collective feelings united in a common goal will allow you, Moses, in the use of the attributions conferred upon the presidency of the high priesthood, to transpose all things to continue using your power with Me, provided there is unconditional love in you by this people, and if this people have faith in me, the Lord, through you and your words, then no condition can be imposed on you by the elements of this world and then nothing will be impossible for you because of faith in the hearts, mind and strength of this people, which is one in me the Lord.


74 Therefore, spread your hand over the sea, and with the strength of these sentiments which comes from compassion, free the winds that are locked in the floodgates of the heavens and cause the children of Israel to pass through the sea on dry ground1.
(1) Exodus 14: 10-16


75 Happened then, following the story of our first parents, that after the death of Abel, Cain proceeded to take one of his brothers' daughters as wife for himself and they both loved Satan more than God, and thenceforward, along with many of his brothers, lived east of Eden, in a land that had first been inhabited by Nod, one of the first sons of Adam, where Node settled with his offspring1.

(1) RLDS Genesis 5:13 Version Inspired of JS / LDS Moses 5:28; 41


76 Cain and his wife had sons and daughters, and he built a city and gave her the name of his son Enoch, and created them according to their veneration, so that their offspring had in the highest esteem this evil one who is Satan as being god; and the true God he taught his children that This one was a postulation of evil.


77 And it came to pass that one of the sons of Cain had many sons, and he became king of this city, and of his sons there was Irade from whom Mijahel proceeded, and from Mijahel came Methuselah from whom Lamech was born, whom Satan incited to have two wives, Ada and Zillah, and with this, polygamy began among the sons of men, for Lamech had made a covenant with Satan, and to seal this covenant he offeredthe innocent blood of Gibeah, a righteous man from the lands of Havilah, where there is abundance of gold that is on the banks of the river Pison, and together with this agreement, Satan proposed that he take a second wife to satisfy the diabolical and sensual feelings that permeated the heart of Lamech1.

(1) RLDS Jacob 2:36-37 / LDS Jacob 2:27-28


78 This Gibeah, in turn, was a righteous man among the sons of Adam, and he endeavored to preach repentance among the sons of Cain, from which Lamech improperly seized his ornaments of gold and precious stones, and took possession of his goods and animals, becoming the first thief among the sons of men and a murderer just as Cain, who also shed innocent blood to seal his covenant with Satan the Devil in the manner of the order Mahan, thus becoming a master of the order and lord of that great secret that had been given to Cain.


79 Irade himself had been summoned to serve Lamech, and he made him acquainted with his secrets, which he did not restrain, and proceeded to tell the sons of Adam about the disgusting things that came from Satan, whom he had for god, and that at last they imprisoned the children of men under a degrading and miserable condition, and so Lamech killed Irade, his brother, to keep their secret combinations among the priests of the order Mahan, which has existed since the days of Cain1.

(1) RLDS Genesis 5:26- 37 Inspired Version JS / LDS Moses 5:47-51


80 It was then in these days of abominations among the sons of men, when they no longer kept the commandments of God, and the priestly precepts of the order Mahan spread throughout all inhabited land, that God raised up a righteous offspring again
for Adam, and he went on to call him by the name of Seth.


81 And when he was still a young man, God showed himself to Seth and commissioned him, and Seth gladly accepted his call to preach repentance among his brethren. It was therefore at the age of sixty-nine that Seth was ordained to the priesthood by his father Adam, when it was then proposed to establish among his descendants the order of this priesthood of the Son of God, having for basis of all
directives which were revealed from heaven, and the sons of men knowing that this was the standard proposed by God from the beginning, that the presidency of high priesthood should be handed down from father to son, or to a righteous descendant of the promise, if there is no worthy heir to assume the place of his father in the highest office that exists in the hierarchy of the church.


82 Therefore, the priesthood presidency of the Son of God belongs rightfully to the literal descendants of the chosen seed, to whom the covenant promises have been and will be made, and this same order that has always existed, will exist until the end of the world. Therefore, Adam, the president of the high priesthood in his day, spread the gospel with Seth, and came to confer priesthood on Enos, son of Seth, when he was a hundred and thirty-four years old.


83 And God called Cainan, the son of Enos, by a messenger in the wilderness when he was forty years old, and he proceeded to preach repentance to the sons of Cain and the descendants of Adam, and after forty and seven years since God called him on
one of his journeys to Shedolamak, was that Cainan came upon Adam preaching among the multitude of his descendants, and it was on this occasion that Adam ordained him to the priesthood1.

(1) RLDS Genesis 6:7 Inspired Version JS; D&C 104:18-21 / LDS Moses 6:7; D&C


84 And it came to pass, when Adam was nine hundred and twenty and seven years old, that he gathered together in a place called Adam Ondi Amman, and Enos, and Cainan, and Mahalaleel, and Jared, and Enoch, and Methuselah. All high priests of the holy order of the Son of God, and there bestowed the keys of his presidency on the head of Seth, being blessed by his father three years before Adam's death1. 

(1) RLDS D&C 104:19a, 28ª / LDS D&C 107:42, 53