The Sealed Book from the Mormon Plates

The Sealed Book of Moses




61 You can not, therefore, effect a single part of my work if there be not among you the sentiments derived from the gifts which correspond to a spark of me the Lord.


62 No, in no way can my people live the height of my priesthood in a united order, as it did in the days of Enoch, without the noblest and high feeling in their hearts, all derived from charity, which is the purest expression of the love of God among the children of men, much less you can effect any ministry, whether it be healing or powerful works without any of the feelings derived from this greater gift.


63 This, therefore, is the procedure among the various ministries which are in the priestly order of the Only Begotten Son, for no authorized representative in the sacred order of my priesthood can perform any miracle, such as healing, unless there is the gift of compassion in your hearts when they pray with hands on top of the sick.


64 Your action will be in vain if there is no corresponding feeling within you to do the work, whatever it may be.


65 This, therefore, is the secret sealed which must be hidden from future generations until Shiloh1, in the meridian of times, comes, and an appendix demonstrative of the full power of my holy priesthood be given through Him to be revealed again in the final part of the fulness of times, when at last this book, which I command that you seal it, will be again exposed to the remnants of my people in the last days.

(1) Genesis 49:10 Inspired Version of JS


66 Behold, I say unto you, Moses, for the purpose of registering in this book these my words, because the men to whom this record arrive, must be those who will erect Zion in the last days.


67 But, behold, to raise up Zion, there must be love among my people, just as you, Moses, loved the children of Israel unconditionally and hast encouraged them not to be afraid, but to stand firm in their faith in the Lord so that they might see salvation from me.


68 And what else should I expect of a prophet, if not that he rather encourage my people to walk in their confidence as if they saw the Lord before their eyes?


69 It was then that I led you to this narrow strip of land between the mountains and the sea, because I, the Lord, do not work with the children of men except according to their faith.


70 And what is faith? — Behold, faith is the sum of all the feelings of trust that are in your hearts which nullify the feelings of fear and doubt as to my performance among those who are my elect.