The Sealed Book from the Mormon Plates

The Sealed Book of Moses




51 And thus said the Lord: this is the sacred Secret that you, Moses, must keep sealed in this book that I made you write after that my people Israel harden the heart for want of the right spirit, that are feelings that in times past, I the Lord, gave through the Holy Spirit so that my people would observe my power acting within themselves, in relation to my priesthood, when I gave you the key to this knowledge to teach them clearly in the desert, so that they could have full communion with me the Lord, and that it is only through the use of the right feelings which they should have in their hearts that it is possible to make use of the attributions derived from the priesthood authority of the Son of God, and that there is no other way of subduing the powers of the heavens and establishing the “Order of Enoch”, except in accordance with the invocation of the high sentiments which pertain to that order1.

(1) RLDS D&C 84:19-23 / LDS D&C 83:3b-4a


52 Know therefore, Moses, that before I take you out of the midst of this people because of the hardness of their hearts, as I will also take away the holy priesthood
from them, that I, the Lord, will cause to remain with this people only the priesthood lessor and preparatory among them, until my descendant comes.


53 You must, therefore, summon a class from the Levites, whose office must be from generation to generation, in order to conceal from the sons of men this manuscript, until I, the Lord, raise in due time, a Moses like unto thee, and he will make known the words of this book to those who will be willing and ready to attend to this commitment with me the Lord, and thus this knowledge will again be within the reach of the children of men, among all who believe1.

(1) RLDS D&C 22:24b; D&C 83:4ª-4d; 2Nephi 2:32- 35 / LDS Moses 1:40-42; D&C 84:23-27; 2Nephi 3:17


54 Behold, you are well aware of this agitation in your mind, my servant Moses, and you know how difficult it is to recognize the feelings of light amidst this stupor of emotions coming out of darkness, which tends to prevent the children of men to identify feelings originating from light and truth, for how much it was required that you should invoke me, the Lord, in your afflictions, when you were with the people among the mountains and were surrounded by the carriages of Pharaoh and the waters of the sea, and so the people were filled with uncertainty, and the stupor of fear and doubt suddenly came to occupy their thoughts, and as soon as they left out the feelings of faith and gratitude that until then, filled their hearts.


55 Immediately they lost out their convictions of serving unconditionally to me the Lord, with all their heart, soul and understanding. But as for you, Moses, you marveled at my previous deed and remembered my work in the land of Egypt and kept full hope in your countenance, to that I, the Lord, would save them, seeking in you the highest feelings that may exist in earthly man, who bring forth the power of my priesthood among the children of men in the flesh, and when you had compassion on my people, which was about to perish in the hand of Pharaoh, you found yourself then in full condition of summoning my presence, not in words, because my name can not be pronounced by the human mouth, but in your heart, invoking the feeling that prefigures my whole being, which you could only understand in the realm of human understanding as being the most sublime and elevated feeling that there is, yea, of the unconditional love.


56 For whosoever shall call upon my name shall be saved, and so shall it be in the last days among my people1. But how shall they call on him whom they have not known, by whose name no mouth can pronounce?

(1) Joel 2: 32; Zephaniah 3: 9


57 Now, this is the great mystery which I, Moses, must keep hidden from the world until the Lord finds it prudent to reveal it to the sons of men, for it is the key to operating the Holy Priesthood of the Son of God.


58 And, for the purpose of no one to usurp his name, it was that the priesthood in the days of Abraham was called the priesthood of Melchizedek. This was determined in ancient times, even in the days when it was known according to the order of Enoch in recognition of the high priesthood that dignified Enoch1, and then, according to the order of Melchizedek, in honor of the great high priest who was Melchizedek when he reigned over Salem, obtaining double peace under his rule, both in the position he held as king, and in the office of high priest2.

(1) RLDS D&C 76:5g / LDS D&C 76:57| (2) RLDS Genesis 14: 26-27 - Inspired Version of JS; Alma 10:7 / LDS Alma 13:14


59 It was, therefore, out of reverence for the name of God that this Holy Priesthood, according to the Order of the Only Begotten Son2, which is found in the likeness of the Father and who, par excellence, received the same name as His. Yea, it is in him that one fulfills the words directed to me Moses, by the great Jehovah, when said: Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not, for he will not pardon your trangsressions, for my name is in him, and since no other angel has inherited a name like his, is therefore, as excellent as I AM1.

(1) Exodus 23:20-21; Acts4; 12; Philippians 2:9; Hebrew 1:4


60 This is, therefore, the key to the priesthood and the mystery that will be sealed in this book until the time of the end, because there is nothing more sacred to be revealed to men in the flesh than this knowledge, that the name of God can be invoked in their hearts, and that one can not evoke the powers of the heavens in the holy priesthood of the Son of God, unless it be through sentiments derived from the love of the Only Begotten Son of the Father, each one correspondent to his ministry, because to some, as the Spirit leads, produce sundry feelings, which we call God's gifts1.

(1) 1John 4:8; Romans 12:4-21; 1Peter 4:10