The Sealed Book from the Mormon Plates

The Sealed Book of Moses




21 It happened then, that I Mormon, for how much transcribed these words from the sealed record of Moses, that the voice of the Lord calling me said: Like a child on the lap, the dispensation of Adam could not fully understand these words of mine, but as the child grows and develops more fully, it becomes able to have the understanding of information that could not before be understood. Similarly, the purpose of my words in regard to my offspring involves a gradual understanding of times, in which, I the Lord, I will give the children of man, line by line, a little here and a little there, and blessed they will be, those who listen to my precepts, because they will get more1.

(1) RLDS 2Nephi 12:36-38 / LDS 2Nephi 28:30


22 And, behold, I, the Lord, will conclude a series of covenants proceeding from me to the children of man who will reveal many details with the unfolding of the dispensations, which will be fully understood in this period of time, in which this message, sealed by my servant Moses, is revealed in the eyes of my people in the last days.


23 Of course, the covenant I made with Adam and his righteous seed after him is sufficient assurance that I, the Lord, will keep my promises. Nevertheless, on many
occasions, I God, I will kindly strengthen the validity of my covenants with the children of Adam, for how much I will have to redeem from his descendants a righteous man who is willing to keep my commandments.


24 These inviolable agreements of the everlasting gospel of my only begotten, give to you, mortal and fallen men, an even more solid base to trust in my words.


25 It was then that Cain, the firstborn of Adam, enduced by the cunning of the devil, began to create dogmas concerning the “designated seed”, so that their symbols would serve as signs for the future generations of the sons of Adam, with the purpose of generating hope for a future restoration of what had been lost by his parents in Eden.


26 Because of the divine decree imposed on the descendants of Adam, that the soil had been cursed and that man would have to work hard so that, with the sweat of his face, he would reap his reward, Cain proposed then, that the fruits of the earth would be the symbol of the designated seed, and every time one was going through the painful process of plowing, sowing and cultivating the soil, he would be aware symbolically of the promised descendant and remember the cursed state of the children of man.


27 But, at the end of the work with the gratification of the harvest, the children of Adam should, in accordance with the dogmas taught by Cain, burn some fruits in the field to fulfill the word of God, “as the purpose of always remembering his promised descendant”.


28 In this way, then, according to the precepts of Cain, similar to what happens with the crop, that after much labor brings its reward, in the end, the children of Adam would have their reward through “the appointed seed”.


29 Abel, on the other hand, as he had since childhood the craft of gathering together in flock a reasonable number cows and sheep and birds in order to facilitate their tasks of milking milk every day and having eggs for food and wool for making blankets and clothing, did not come to know the field, and with that, put in controversy the sacred ordinances imposed by Cain to the future descendants of Adam.


30 Moreover, as the prophecy mentions that the serpent's offspring would injure the heel of the offspring of the promise, Abel “concluded” that this should be a bloodshed on the part of “the designated seed”, for in the original of his Edenic dialect, God's correct pronouncement to the serpent would be to “bleed the heel”, rather than to hurt, and for this reason Cain went unnoticed when he formulated his dogmas upon prophecy. With this in mind, Abel proceeded to formulate doctrines based on the original context described by his father Adam in the Edenic language, which would be to the nation of Israel in the days when Moses described this account, the equivalent of the word Sacrifice, which means, “Office of bleeding”, already in the original of the language spoken by the Hebrews in his day, Sacrifice, means bleeding, whence comes the word which, I, Mormon know in the Nephite language as being “sacrament”. That is, the sacrament traces the will of the Lord from the beginning of time in order to always remember the designated seed, Jesus Christ.