Sealed Book from the Mormon Plates

Acts of the Three Nephites




51 And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard sent his servant1; and the servant did as the Lord commanded him2, and brought other servants; and were few3.

(1) RLDS D&C 98:7d / LDS D&C 101:55 | (2) RLDS D&C 98:8c / LDS D&C 101:62 | (3) RLDS Jacob 3:136 / LDS Jacob 5:70


52 And the Lord of the vineyard said to them, Go and work in the vineyard with all your might, for behold, this is the last time that I have dealt with my vineyard; because the end is near and is rapidly approaching; and if you work busy with Me, then I will have joy in the fruit that I will keep for myself, in the time that will soon come when these fruits will be essential to keep you united in the last days, that ye may work hard in my vineyard for the last time; and I, the Lord of the vineyard, will also work with you; if you obey my commandments in all things.

(1) RLDS Jacob 3:137-140 / LDS Jacob 5:71-72


53 And thus, the vineyard will return to produce the natural fruit; and the natural branches will begin to grow and develop greatly; and the wild branches will begin to be plucked and thrown away in order to preserve the equality of strength between the root and the tree canopy. And so these chosen servants will work with all diligence, according to the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard, until the wicked are thrown out of the vineyard, and the Lord has preserved for himself the righteous trees, the plantation of Jehovah1.

(1) Isaiah 61:3


54 These, will become again in the natural fruit, whose roots will be firmly established next to the source of clean water1; and they have become as one body, whose fruits will be equal; and the Lord of the vineyard will preserve for himself the natural fruit of this tree, that is, the 'chosen seed' in relation to his vineyard in the last days, which will be very precious to him from the beginning of the fullness of time2.

(1) Jeremiah 17:8 | (2) RLDS Jacob 3:141-144 / LDS Jacob 5: 73-74


55 And it came to pass that when the Lord of the vineyard saw that his fruit was good, and that his vineyard was no more corrupt, he called his servants, and said unto them: Behold, for the last time we have tended my vineyard, and see that I have done according to my will; and I have kept the natural fruit, which is good, even as it was in the beginning. And blessed are ye because ye were diligent in working with me in my vineyard for the last time, and because ye kept my commandments, and you brought again the natural fruit unto Me, the Lord.


56 Behold, my workers shall rejoice with me because of the fruit of my vineyard in the last days. Behold, therefore, when the time cometh when bad fruit shall appear again in my vineyard, that I will separate the good fruit of bad fruit; the good fruit, I will keep for myself, but the bad ones I will throw in their own place. And then comes the time and the end; and I will cause my vineyard to be burned with fire1.

(1) RLDS Jacob 3:145-153 / LDS Jacob 5:75-77


57 And now, making use of some of the words of Jacob, verily, verily, I say unto you, The things that the prophet Zenos said concerning the house of Israel, comparing it to a good olive tree, surely shall come to pass. And on the day when I the Lord shall again stretch out my hand a second time to recover my people1, it will be the day, yea, the last time that the servants of the Lord will, with their power, take care of His vineyard and will prune it; and after that, soon the end will come2.

(1) RLDS 2Nephi 12:42 / LDS 2Nephi 29:1 | (2) RLDS Jacob 4:1-3 / LDS Jacob 6:1-2


58 Behold, will you reject these words preserved by my own hand for a wise future purpose? Will you reject the words of the prophets and all the words spoken by me, Jesus Christ, in this record? Will you deny the power of God and the gift of the Holy Spirit1 given to thee by the laying on of hands of those who have authority to do so(2)?
(1) RLDS 2Nephi 12:31-39 / LDS 2Nephi 28:26-31 | (2) RLDS Jacob 4:12-13 /LDS Jacob 6:8


59 Behold, in so doing, you will erase forever the flame of the Holy Spirit who dwells in your heart, and with this attitude you will mock the grand plan of redemption that has been established for you since the foundation of the world. — Know ye not that if ye will do these things, that the power of the redemption and the resurrection, which is in me, Jesus Christ, will bring you with shame and terrible guilt at the judgment seat of God on the last day1?

(1) RLDS Jacob 4:14 / LDS Jacob 6:9


60 O, my beloved sons, repent ye and enter in at the strait gate, and continue in the way which is narrow, until ye shall obtain eternal life, until I shall meet you before the pleasing bar of God, which bar striketh the wicked with awful dread and fear.

(1) RLDS Jacob 4:16-18 / LDS Jacob 6:11-13