The Sealed Book from the Mormon Plates

The Sealed Book of Moses




51 For I am bringing upon the earth a new human society, which must begin all over again from the beginning. And as for you and your city, Zion, shall be caught up before arrives this time of calamity which I bring upon the inhabited earth, and I will conceal the old foundations of the sons of God with the coming of the flood except the stone colonnade erected in the center of the city of Zion, and the stones that I will expose from the ancient cities of the Watchers, scattered around the earth, that the children of men after the floods may know that it was from this place that God took the city of Enoch and so that future generations of the sons of men may wonder how the ancients could erect the basis of such complex structures in stones and with perfect precision, even on top of the mountains, and thus be able to conclude by itself, that in ancient times, a race of beings superior to them, yea, the rebellious angels, dominated the world of humanity and enslaved men to serve them, because they allowed themselves that they may be enslaved, and rejected the one who could free them by disobeying my commandments.


52 And now, with the purpose of the people of the covenant to no longer be deceived, when in the last days, yea, before you, Enoch, return with your city to this land, the Watchers who were driven out to the vicinity of Earth, will send signs to the children of men with the promise of ending their diseases, their religions and their false prophets and the scriptures and their false messages and provide them with an alliance, and thus, with the support of satan, the ruler of the world, they will again come to be among you at the invitation of the rulers of the earth, and gradually they will enslave the sons of men again.


53 Except in Zion, where my Only Begotten will have coated his elect of power from on high to overcome the forces of the enemy and to rescue those who are loyal to me. It is for this reason that I, the Lord, will leave these exposed stones after the flood, so
that they may know for themselves that the earthly man has never had the capacity of erecting these old structures, but yea, his dominators.


54 And my Only Begotten begged before my face; therefore, he suffers for the sins of the world, as long as they repent on the day when my Chosen One returns to me; and until that day they will be in a probation process of constant opposition in all things. For this reason, I, God continually weep for the children of man, and the heavens also weep, yea, and all the work of my hands moan for deliverance, because of the sin of Adam, because he hath brought with him a curse upon the earth and its fruits.


55 And it came to pass that the LORD spake unto Enoch, and told him all the doings of the sons of men; therefore Enoch knew and beheld the iniquities and anguish which came upon them because of the spirit of the evil one; and he wept; and stretched out
his arms, and dilated out his heart with eternity; and the bowels were shaken, and all eternity trembled. And Enoch also saw Noah and his family; that the posterity of all the sons of Noah would be saved with a physical salvation. Therefore Enoch saw that
Noah built an ark and that the Lord smiled before it and held it in his own hand; but over the rest of the wicked came the floods and swallowed them. Enoch, therefore, wept for his brethren; and said to the heavens, I will refuse to be comforted; but the Lord said to Enoch, "Be blessed and rejoice; and for behold, from Noah, all the families of the earth will wait for my seed1."

1 LDS Mosiah 15: 9-12 | RLDS Mosiah 8: 36-45


56 And behold, Enoch saw the day of the coming of the Son of Man in the flesh; and his soul rejoiced, saying, Righteousness is lifted up, and the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world; and by faith I will be in the bosom of the Father and behold Zion will be with me. Enoch, then looked at the Earth; and he heard a voice coming from within, saying: Woe, woe is me, the mother of men; behold I am afflicted, behold I am weary because of the iniquity of my children, and behold, their actions ruin the earth. When will I rest and be cleansed from this filth? When will my Creator sanctify me, that I may rest, and that righteousness remain on my face?


57 This was the lament of the earth, whereby Enoch wept deeply, but the Lord made a covenant with Enoch and swore to him that this vision was interwoven with men at fullness of the times, and the Lord promised Enoch that in these days, he will
eliminate those who ruined the earth, and with an oath concerning all his judgments, that would stop the floods after the Flood; and that he should visit the sons of Noah; issuing an unalterable decree that a remnant of his seed would always be found among all nations as long as the earth subsisted; and the Lord said: Blessed is he by whose descendant the chosen seed shall come; for he shall be King over Zion, and shall reign over all the nations of the earth.


58 And it came to pass that Enoch cried unto the LORD, saying: When thy seed come in the flesh, will the earth rest? — And the LORD said unto Enoch: See; and he looked and saw the sign of the Son of Man raised among the men on the earth; and heard a loud voice say; the heavens were covered; and all the works of God wept; and the earth moaned because of their pains1; and all the spirits that were in spiritual prisons2, were visited and received the gospel3, because the Lord took possession of the key of the spiritual prison and the abyss4, opening the door for the spirits to enter and bring light and truth to these captives and for others to be freed from the chains of hell, and many went forth, some to judgment of Eternal life5, and put themselves at the right hand of God; and the others were held in chains of darkness until the judgment of the great day. But behold, Enoch said: Blessed is he by whose offspring shall come the "chosen seed"; and the Lord answering said: I am the descendant Promised, the seed chosen from the foundation of the world, the Messiah, the King of Zion, the Rock of
Heaven, and whoever enters by this door shall never fall.

(1) Romans 8:20-22 | (2) RLDS Genesis 7:64 - Inspired Version JS; D&C 76:6c-6e; 85:28ª-28b / LDS Moses 7:57; D&C 76:73-75; 88:99 | (3) 1Peter 3:18-19; 4:6 | (4) Revelation 1:18; 9:11; 20:1; Luke 16:31 - Inspired Version JS | (5) John 5:25-29 - Inspired Version JS | (6) RLDS Genesis 7:59 - Inspired Version JS / LDS Moses 7: 53


59 And Enoch saw the promised descendant, the Messiah, ascend into heaven; and he cried unto the LORD, saying: You will not return to the earth? — For you are God and I know you; and commanded me to ask in the name of thy Only Begotten; and not by myself, but by your own grace, and I would receive from you what I asked for; therefore, I ask thee whether thou shalt not come again to the earth. And the LORD said unto Enoch: Yea, I the Lord will come in the latter days, in the days of the iniquity of the people, and of the vengeance of God, to fulfill the oath which I did give unto you concerning the sons of Noah; and the day will come when the earth shall rest, but before that day the heavens shall be darkened, and a veil of darkness shall cover the earth; and there shall be great afflictions among the children of men, but my people shall I preserve; and righteousness will I send forth from heaven through my messenger; and I will take from the earth a record of these things, which I reveal to men through my servant, a seer chosen in the opening of the fullness of times, and a second time will be revealed in the final part of the fullness of times, yea, another seer, who will reveal to these sealed words, for the purpose of bearing testimony of the
Only Begotten of the Father; of his resurrection from the dead; and also of the resurrection of all men and of the coming of the Only Begotten of the Father among his elect in the last days.


60 It will come after righteousness and truth sweep the earth, before the great and terrifying day of the Lord, when at last I descend upon my people in the last days, just as I came down among you in a temple erected to my name in the land that I will gather my elect, in a place that I will prepare beforehand, a Holy City, so that my people will gird their loins and yearn for the time of my coming; for there will my tabernacle be, and it shall be called Zion, a New Jerusalem1.

(1) RLDS 3Nephi 10:3-4; D&C 42:10c / LDS 3Nephi 21:24-25; D&C 42:35-36