The Sealed Book from the Mormon Plates

The Sealed Book of Moses




31 Because of this, it came to pass that Abel, fulfilling the requirements of prophecy, and therefore, the requirements of the law, found it improper to offer fruits of the field as a sacrifice to God, just as Cain had proposed, because in the days when God commanded Adam to offer sacrifices on an altar, the angels who visited him said that it should be done as a symbol of the sacrifice to be made from the only begotten of the Father1, and that only a blood sacrifice could in fact symbolically foreshadow this ceremony “with the purpose of always remembering” the future shedding of blood by the “designated seed” who would be wounded for the benefit of all men.

(1) RLDS Genesis 4:6-7 - Inspired Version JS / LDS Moses 5:6-7


32 In turn, it was man himself, starting with Cain, who came to frame dogmas in order to reconnect his symbologies with the remembrance of a divine promise.


33 It happened then, that God was pleased with Abel´s offer and rejected that of Cain's, because he knew that this approval would result in the sequel that Adam's descendants would give in observing that ordinance, which foreshadowed the correct understanding of the designated seed, and thus they would not observe the deceit proposed by Cain.


34 Because the children of man need symbols to remain faithful to the command of God, the Lord, then, accepted the most coherent and faith-filled dogma in the content described in the words of his prophecy. Therefore it was said “That by faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain. And by his faith he obtained the approval of God as a righteous man, and God himself approved of his offers”.


35 It happened then, that the priesthood of the Son of God was full in Abel, but diminished in its fullness with each passing day on Cain, and with this, Cain himself came to the conclusion that the Lord looked with appreciation at the offerings of his brother while rejecting the fruits delivered as an offering to Lord by his own hands.


36 Cain, therefore, was incited by the devil and enticed of envy while anger seized his senses. Because Cain began to plan a way to interrupt Abel's life.


37 Abel, in turn, justified the plan of salvation through the promised descendant, the designated seed, and through proper observance correct of the ordinance to remember that promise.


38 It was then that the Lord sought out Cain through an angel sent to him from God to ease the wrath that nourished his heart. The Messenger then told him that God the Father had not rejected him when he showed favor to his brother's offering, but he was sad that there was envy and hatred in his heart. Then the Lord asked him the reason for his wrath, and so soon made him understand that the things that further him away from his Creator, were not in themselves their wrong form of worship, and the deceitful institution of their created ordinances with his precepts of earthly man, and that it would not be for this reason that God the Father would cease to hear his prayers, but his erroneous form of worship only removed the power of the priesthood which Adam had placed upon his head, just as he also laid upon Abel's head, who had been able to comprehend the mystery of the sacrament through an atonement for blood, which was to foreshadow the sacrifice of the descending fiancé, for whose painful ceremony it is required for a priestly human representative to raise his hand to take life, whose gift only God can give, and thus having to avail himself of death in an ordinance from the old covenant that would make them reflect in the shed blood of an innocent animal, and with this, the man who watched that helpless bloodied animal, writhing in agony for the purifying himself from his sins, would have to understand in his heart for the purpose of "always remembering" the future action proposed by the promised descendant, yea Jesus Christ.


39 For, it was so ordained in the heavens, that the power of divinity from the priesthood of the Son of God among the sons of Adam, can only be maintained among men in the flesh by a strict observation of their ordinances on earth1.

(1) RLDS D&C 83:3b-3c / LDS D&C 84:19-21


40 However, what made Cain stay aloof from God were the feelings contrary to the star that shines in the Dawn1, which allowed them to take root in his heart and, finally, the full power of the priesthood lost its effectiveness to the opposition of the feelings who grieve the Spirit of God2, pushing it away from their hearts.

(1) 2Peter 1:19; RLDS Alma 16:160-163 / LDS Alma 32:34-35 (2) Ephesians 4:30