The Sealed Book from the Mormon Plates

The Sealed Book of Moses




11 And as soon as God had cast out the man of Eden, putting cherubim of guard and a flaming sword around to keep the way of the tree of life, then the Lord provided this priesthood to man in order to choose between good and evil, otherwise, ‘without the priesthood, man's way will be tortuous and his thoughts and inclination of his heart will be sensual and devilish most of the time.


12 Since these words concerning this priesthood of the Son of God, are those that the Lord told Moses that they are pure and true, and that they are not to be shown to anyone until the Lord orders a Moses in the last days, that he may reveal these words only to those who believe1.

(1) RLDS D&C 22:24a-25; 2Nephi 2:32-35 / LDS Moses 1:40-42; 4:32; 2Nephi 3:17


13 And in this all the wisdom of God is manifested, for behold, all things were made according to the wisdom of him that knoweth all things.


14 And if Adam and Eve had not transgressed, then they would have remained in the garden of Eden in an immortal state and yet would be with their perceptions wrapped in the innocence of the spirit, which would not allow them to have children and would never have joy because they did not know misery; not being able to decide for themselves the way of goodness because they did not know evil.


15 But Adam fell, fulfilling the requirements of the Father, to be fruitful and to fill the earth with his offspring, and the priesthood of the Son of God exists to make the people of the earth come to understand the plan of salvation and allow the children of the man to know how to wait for the Son of God, who will come in the fullness of time to redeem from the fall those who believed in him in order to become free from the yoke of sin and death, so that they may return again to the presence of the Father1.
(1) RLDS 2Nephi 1:105-118; Alma 9:64 / LDS 2Nephi 2: 19-26; Alma 13:2


16 However, since the sin of Adam resulted in the degeneration of the divine nature in man, so now, with his mortal and fallen nature, no descendant of Adam would have strength to resist the wiles of the devil, for how much live in the world of humanity. That is, in disobeying God the Father, Adam subjected all his offspring under the influence of Satan. With this, men would be condemned to the bondage of sin and death forever.


17 It was then that God proposed to Adam that he would provide a deliverer from the bondage of sin and death, "the designated seed," and beside that promise, God appointed Adam to be the first Priest according to the order of his Son, because the gospel began to be preached from the beginning, being declared by holy angels sent from the presence of God to Adam, and by his own voice and by the gift of the Holy Spirit.


18 And so all things pertaining to the priesthood, including the high priesthood of the holy order of his Only Begotten, were confirmed upon the head of Adam by a sacred ordinance, and a decree was established in heaven and sent forth to remain in the
world until the end1.

(1) RLDS Genesis 5:44-45 Inspered Version JS / LDS Moses 5:59


19 In its turn, God uttered the following sentence upon Satan and the church of God in all the times predetermined by him among his offspring, that is, those who take the side of Satan against God and his rule on earth and the seed of the priesthood of God, those to whom, under the promise of a covenant, they would receive the proper authority of the Son of God under the command and rule of the designated seed who will bruise his head by the following promise: "I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your offspring and his offspring, and he will bruise your head, and you will bruise his heel1.”

(1) RLDS Genesis 3:21 Inspered Version JS / LDS Moses 4:21


20 Therefore, no man can free himself from this yoke of slavery and death without the help of those who bear the priesthood of the Son of God. This Priesthood, which will be repeatedly attacked and confused by the power of Satan and his seed throughout the history of God's people. On the other hand, the ‘designated seed’ not to come from the corruptible seed of Adam, as it is with the members that make up this priesthood laid upon Adam and his righteous seed after him. Rather, it is necessary that its conception be accomplished by the power of the Holy Spirit through the immaculate womb of a virgin who is not tainted by concupiscence that affect the thoughts of the fleshly men.