The Sealed Book from the Mormon Plates





Having been Moses caught up from the Principle, saw the angel Ahiah become miserable and propose to himself that all humanity would also be miserable just as he, and with that, began to lie and deceive the first parents of mankind. Eve and Adam succumb under the influence of this evil being that was expelled of heaven. Adam receives the priesthood of the Son of God, and with him the law of the priesthood and the promise about his righteous seed after him.

Abel fulfills the requirements required by law, for how much Cain is induced for priestly tricks and commences false worship among his fellow men. Abel becomes the first prophet to seal with blood his work on earth. Seth is born and spreads the gospel and the priesthood through his offspring.




1 It so happened, that Moses was caught up on a mountain extremely high and came to Mount Zion in the Heavenly Jerusalem1, and obtained knowledge of all things that were from the beginning, began to record what he saw and heard in the Sealed Book that was found by Hilkiah together with the book of the law in the days of Josiah king of Judah, which Lehi brought into this land beyond the sea, in order to preserve its record for future generations of priests of the holy order of the Son of God in the final part of the fulness of times2.

(1) RLDS D&C 22:1 / LDS Moses 1:1; Hebreuws 12: 20-23 | (2) RLDS D&C 22:24ª-25; 1Nephi 6:3 / LDS Moses 1:40-42; 1Nephi 19:23; 2Kings 22:8-20


2 It was then that Moses passed to be in a great universal meeting, in which Ahiah, the angel whose name means "brother of Jehovah," greater leader who covered in his expansion the class of anointed cherubim — chief commander of the flaming stones, until the day he was deposed from his office and the supervision of heavenly visits to the sons of man, was delivered to the angel Gabriel, who commanded them for by the too much generations of Israel, when they were walking by the circuit of the heavens, which chariots of fire visited the prophets of God1, full of wisdom and proceeding from the highest caste of the order of the stars d'alva, had full access to Mount Zion until the day he overturned the old covenant and vehemently accused the Great
Jehovah of usurping the rights of free will in all beings created by him in the vast expanse of the universe, for how much he himself came seeking to destroy free will of man from the beginning.

(1) Daniel 8:16; 9: 21; Luke 1:19: Job 22:14; Ezekiel 28:13-17; 2 Kink 2:11-12; 6:15-17


3 And so, because he had been full of pride and vanity, assumed an air of grandeur and came to desecrate his own wisdom by supposing in his heart that he would be accepted by God in the highest and immaculate cradle of creation, after arousing appreciation of a vast multitude of followers, first of those whom he led astray in the heavens and now on earth, and so he longed to return to the holy mountain of meeting, and to take his place among the council of the heavens, which are above the holy angels, in the likeness of God1, but beneath the sovereign Lord, the Almighty, which can not overrule the ordinance established by Him in the heavens, of that the dominions of the earth would be in subjection to his son Ahiah, when then it even before the foundation of the world that was given the dominions of the Kingdom of mankind, and with that, he came to be in Eden, the garden of God2.

(1) Isaiah 14: 13-14 | (2) Ezekiel 28:13


4 Being that man had been created in the image of God, reflecting in itself its divine attributes, namely: love, wisdom, creative potential and justice, and had also been created according to its likeness, thus obtaining characteristics similar to the image of its creator, coming to be an immortal creature, for how much were subject to themselves all creatures that move in heaven on earth and in the sea, but they had
been commanded to fertilize and fill the earth and to expand the boundaries of Eden.


5 But it came to pass that Ahiah, when he sought to do that which was evil before God, was cast out of the highest and immaculate cradle of the heavens1. Yea, from the holy mountain of God, to heavenly Zion2. However, he had not yet been expelled from the heavenly realms, since he periodically made himself present at the universal meetings in order to present a report of his administration concerning this world which was under his dominion3.

(1) RLDS Genesis 3:4 - Inspired Version of JS / LDS Moses 4:3 | (2) Isaiah 14:12 | (3)
Job 1:6-12; 2:1-6


6 Therefore, it was at the beginning of human history on earth, that after falling from his high position in the heavens, he became wretched before the children of God, and thereby proposed himself in subjecting all humanity to being unable to fully enjoy its free will and thus condemn them to the same misery and decay that had been condemned.


7 So that old serpent went on to deceive his brethren who lived with him in the heavens, and so soon became an opponent to God's plan for this world. It happened then that he went on to deceive the first human couple still in Eden, the paradise of God, coming to become the father of every lie, and so was called devil.


8 It was then, after Adam and Eve had succumbed to the wiles of the devil, that God proceeded to curse them, for before that they lived on a higher level on the spiritual plane. Though they were made of the dust of the earth, in Eden they were clothed with spirit and therefore immortal, but as soon as they sinned, God clothed them with mortal skin1, therefore were cursed to suffer in the inclemency of time, pain, sweat and all sorts evils that are subject to mortal flesh.

(1) RLDS Genesis 2:10-13 Inspired Version JS / LDS Moses 3:8-9; 4:27


9 However, the Father of tender mercies provided a means of redemption by which the children of Adam could return to their initial glory and again have full communion with God as they had in the beginning — This providence being the very Priesthood of God, that is according with the orderof his son, being therefore called at the beginning of all times the priesthood of the Son of God.


10 Therefore, the gospel became the way for all to return to God, the scriptures of the holy prophets are the iron rod extended along this trajectory that intertwine through a dense mist of darkness, being the priesthood is the safe guide which lamp to light the way in the darkest night and keep us on the right course until we reach the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God beyond the thresholds of this mortal existence, and whose fruits correspond to the full happiness of attaining the reward of eternal