The Sealed Book from the Mormon Plates


We declare in the name of Jesus Christ that on Sunday, March 4, 2018, Maurício Artur Berger, the translator of the first part of the sealed plates, showed to us the golden plates which are covered on both sides with fine engravings; that we held the plates and turned the pages; and we closely examined the plates, which have the appearance of gold, and are bound together by three rings, which are silver in appearance; and we examined the characters thereon, which are exceeding fine and intricately engraved.


By our examination and the confirmation of the Holy Spirit we have the assurance that they are the plates of Mormon. And we give our names unto the world, to witness unto the world that which we did both behold and handle before each other, as God bears this our witness.

We beheld and handled the interpreters, by which these engravings will be translated by the gift and power of God.

We further declare that in our presence the seals were removed which had tightly bound
the greater portion of the plates. We beheld and examined the plates that were newly loosed, which have an exceeding luster with indented engravings.

Further, we bear record that the more part of all the plates remain sealed and are to come forth by the will of Jesus Christ in his own due time, and that we beheld and marveled to see the exquisite cover of the sealed book, that depicts upon the entire plate a carefully crafted and intricate image of the promised return of the heavenly city Zion, and that these things are to remain sealed until they are revealed by Christ to his people when they are prepared and found worthy.

We admonish all nations, kindreds, tongues and people to repent and come unto Christ and heed the words which he gives, that your souls may be found spotless at the last day.


Samuel S Gould, Tyler Crowell, Kelvin Henson


Other witnesses also had the privilege of seeing the tablets and adding their names to this testimony being confirmed by the Holy Spirit.


Robert Leroy Cackler, Melva Anne Cackler, Reborn Renee Sheryl Whitefield, Manuel Bento Fernandes de Almeida, João I. Vendemiatti