The Sealed Book from the Mormon Plates

Acts of the Three Nephites




41 But, behold, "they" became like the wild olive tree, and they are of no use except to be cut down and cast into the fire; but I feel sorry to lose them just like the rest of my vineyard. — What else could, however, I have done in my vineyard? I have nourished them, and I have digged about them, and I have pruned, and I have fertilized its roots; and I have stretched forth mine hand almost all the days long; but behold, the end draweth nigh, and therefore I feel I have to cut down all the trees of my vineyard, and cast them into the fire, that they may be burned. Who is it that has corrupted my vineyard1?

(1) RLDS Jacob 3:97-104 / LDS Jacob 5:46-47


42 And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard said unto the servant: Let us go, and hew down the trees of the vineyard, and cast them into the fire, that they shall not cumber the ground of my vineyard; for I have done all I could. What could I have done more for my vineyard? — But behold, the servant said unto the Lord of the vineyard, Spare it a little longer. And the Lord said: Yea, I will spare it a little longer; for it grieveth me that I should lose the trees of my vineyard1.

(1) RLDS Jacob 3:109-111 / LDS Jacob 5:49-51


43 Let us therefore take the branches of these which I have planted in the low parts of my vineyard, and graft them on the tree from which they proceeded, that is, in the original graft; and pluck from the tree the branches that give the most bitter fruits and graft in its place the natural branches, coming from the original tree, so that the tree does not die, but preserve for me your roots, to comply with my purpose.


44 And, behold, the roots of the natural branches of the tree, which I planted where I pleased, are still alive; scattered throughout all the land of my vineyard, that I may preserve them also for a purpose of mine. I will therefore take its branches and graft them again into the original tree. Yea, I will graft upon them the branches of the original tree, that I also may preserve the roots unto myself, that when they are strong enough they may bring forth good fruits for me, and I may have glory in the fruit of my vineyard1.

(1) RLDS Jacob 3:112-117 / LDS Jacob 5:52-54


45 And it came to pass that they took of the natural tree, which had become wild, and grafted in the natural trees, which also had become wild. And they also took from the natural trees, which had become wild, and grafted in their original tree, that is, though they were many wild branches, all shared in common the sap of the original tree, so that the Lord of the vineyard said to the servant; do not pluck the branches out of the trees, except those that are very bitter; and you shall graft in them as I say1.

(1) RLDS Jacob 3:118-120 / LDS Jacob 5:55-57


46 And the Lord of the vineyard then said to his servant not to pluck out these wild branches, which were scattered throughout all the vineyard. Thus, He said, we will "take care again" of these trees1, to fulfill that which was written by Nephi concerning the Lord of the vineyard, when He shall stretch forth his hand a second time, to recover his people, which is of the house of Israel2, for the purpose of "swapping the branches," that is, grafting the natural branches in their original tree, so that the Lord of the vineyard came to rejoice for having preserved the roots and also the branches of the first fruit3.

(1) RLDS Jacob 3:112-117 / LDS Jacob 5:52-54 | (2) RLDS 2Nephi 12:42 / LDS 2Nephi 29:1 | (3) RLDS Jacob 3:123-124 / LDS Jacob 5:60


47 And the Lord of the vineyard saith unto his servant: Go, therefore, send angels again to the land, and call servants, that we may labor diligently with all force in my vineyard, that we may prepare the way by which I may obtain again the natural fruit of the vineyard, a fruit that it will be good and more precious than any other fruit, and so let us work this last time, with all the commitment you need to rescue my vineyard, for the end is near; and it will be the last time that I will prune the trees of my vineyard1.

(1) RLDS Jacob 3:125-126 / LDS Jacob 5:61-62


48 And the branches shall be planted again; beginning with the last, that they may be the first, and that the former be the last; and dig around the trees, both old and new, the first and the last; and the last and the first, so that 'all come back' to be treated for the last time. So dig around them and prune them and fertilize them again, for the last time, because the end is near. And if these last grafts develop and produce the natural fruit, then I will prepare the way for them, so that they may grow and remain united in me, the Lord of the vineyard1.

(1) RLDS Jacob 3:127-129 / LDS Jacob 5:63-64


49 And as they begin to grow, you will take away the branches that bear fruit, that is, bitter feelings, according to the strength and size of the good; and you shall not take away the wicked all at once, lest the roots become too strong for the graft, and your graft die, and I lose the trees of my vineyard again; therefore, you will remove the evil feelings as the good ones grow, so that the root and the tree tops have the same strength, until the good feelings overpower the bad and the bad are cut and thrown into the fire; and so I will consume the wicked out of my vineyard forever1.

(1) RLDS Jacob 3:130-132 / LDS Jacob 5:65-66


50 And the branches of the natural tree I will graft in the natural branches of the tree; and I will gather them again, that they may bring forth the natural fruit; and they shall be one in me again, the Lord of the vineyard; for how much, the wicked shall be thrown out, even out of all the land of my vineyard; and burned, for behold, only this time will more I prune my vineyard1.

(1) RLDS Jacob 3:133-135 / LDS Jacob 5:68-69